Pernille Eik Lunde Løvlie
Adviser at Kruse Larsen
Pernille has experience with strategic communication and media management.
Pernille started in Kruse Larsen on the 1st of February 2021. She has consulting experience from the communications agency Consilio, where in recent years she has worked primarily with the pharmaceutical industry. She has developed comprehensive communication campaigns for a wide range of clients, but with the main emphasis on the pharmaceutical and life science industries. Her previous work has given her experience with process-based campaign development often in interdisciplinary collaboration with compliance, safety, business communication, medical as well as patient organisations. She enjoys conveying complex messages in an easy-to-understand way and does this just as well in English as in Norwegian.
Pernille has a bachelor’s degree in PR and Marketing Communication from BI Norwegian School of Management in Oslo. She is also certified digital advisor from Volda University College, which gives her good insight into communication in digital channels.
In Kruse Larsen, she is part of the team that works dedicatedly with strategic communication within the field of life science.